CoreMatrix Reports That Cloud Computing Can Help Healthcare Cure Its IT Challenges

April 23, 2013 Off By David

Grazed from MarketWire. Author: PR Announcement.

CoreMatrix(R), a leading cloud computing consulting company, today announced that the healthcare industry is increasingly adopting cloud solutions to help meet many of the new IT challenges it faces in an era of healthcare transformation.

Government incentives and mandates are driving every healthcare provider organization — from the smallest medical practices to the largest healthcare systems — to use electronic health records (EHRs). This has created an urgent need for healthcare organizations to manage volumes of data and have at their disposal IT expertise. Both capabilities are signature attributes of cloud solutions…

In addition, the cloud is proving to be a cost effective and secure model for integrating disparate healthcare systems, allowing physicians to share patient data and coordinate care. And as it is in every industry, social media and mobile are having a big impact in healthcare, changing the nature and speed of interaction between consumers and healthcare organizations. Again, the cloud.

CoreMatrix Co-Founder, Paul Nix, said that concerns around data security and patient privacy are quickly going away with cloud solutions. "Many healthcare executives traditionally believed that keeping medical records behind the firewall was the safest choice, but this is no longer the case," Nix said. "Cloud providers must conform to HIPAA regulations, and many cloud providers specialize in implementing cloud configurations to meet the needs of healthcare."

Nix also pointed out that cloud benefits such as on-demand computing and scalable storage are extremely attractive to healthcare organizations whose existing IT resources can be quickly overwhelmed by the demands of their industry. He also said that as healthcare organizations continue to embrace social and mobile technologies to connect with consumers and enable provider/patient interaction, the cloud will play an even more prominent role in the healthcare sector.

For more information about how healthcare organizations are finding success with cloud computing, read the new CoreMatrix eBrief, "How Cloud Computing Can Help Healthcare Cure IT Challenges." (