Copyright Liabilities Loom for Cloud Providers in Wake of Aereo Judgement

July 2, 2014 Off By David

Grazed from Author: Dr. Monica Horten.

A judgement handed down in the US Supreme Court recently has underpinned the claim of a group of broadcast companies that royalties were due from a cloud-based service relaying copyrighted content. The ruling also raises a looming threat of new liabilities for the nascent cloud computing industry.

The case of ABC Inc et al vs Aereo Inc, concerned whether or not a cloud service transmitting broadcast television to computer users over the Internet infringes copyright law. In brief, the Supreme Court ruling means that it does, but it is in the detail of the ruling that the cloud liability is implied…

The ruling is the culmination of a two-year legal battle between a group of television broadcasters and the New York-based start-up company, Aereo. The broadcasters include the major US networks, ABC, CBS, NBC Universal, Fox and Disney. Aereo offers a service enabling people to watch broadcast tele-NEW-vision programmes on a digital device such as a smart phone, tablet or personal computer…

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