Content in the Cloud: How Cloud Computing Is Changing the Way We Do Content Marketing

January 4, 2018 Off By David
Object Storage
Content marketing has always been a big part of digital marketing in general, and it will continue to play an essential role as we enter 2018. By producing quality content that the viewers find valuable, websites and businesses can attract more traffic and reach new potential customers like never before.

As more businesses move their operations to the cloud, the way they do content marketing is shifting as well. Here are some of the changes cloud computing brings to the world of content marketing.

Collaboration in the Cloud

New content creation tools enable content creators from all around the world to work together in producing better, more relevant content. Businesses are starting to take advantage of these tools in order to push their content marketing efforts forwards.

Instead of relying on an in-house content creation team, it is now possible for businesses to work with people in different locations in the world. Creators can collaborate on an article, a video, or other forms of content using nothing but their web browser.

The move to cloud-based content tools also allows businesses to take advantage of the local knowledge and insights these content creators already have. For companies that target the global market, gaining access to those insights is a huge competitive advantage nonetheless.

Curation as a Solution

The computing power provided by cloud computing also brings one additional advantage to the table: Artificial Intelligence or AI. AI is now being used to gather and process information from various sources. As AI solutions get smarter and more accessible, its implementation in content marketing is inevitable.

As a matter of fact, a number of companies are beginning to tailor their contents using AI and relevant metrics. Instead of displaying the same content to all users, pages can now be customized based on what the company already knows about the individual visitor.

Curation is an indispensable tool in content marketing even without AI in the mix. You only need to look at sites such as to see how a set of well-curated, highly valuable content can really alter the performance of your business in attracting potential customers.

Better Content Delivery

Lastly, there is the fact that cloud computing allows businesses to deliver their content faster and more effectively. The sheer power of the cloud means websites can perform better under heavy load. The enhanced performance also allows heavier types of contents such as videos to be delivered just as quickly.

In the end, cloud computing improves the overall user experience; this is definitely a huge plus, especially from the content marketing perspective. Marketers have more leeway when it comes to the types of content they can use to keep the audience happy.

The different ways cloud computing is changing how we do content marketing is just the beginning. 2018 will be an exciting year for digital marketing in general, and cloud computing is there to push things forward and enable new innovations. In a market as competitive as today, cloud computing is the kind of competitive advantage businesses need to stay ahead.