Confidence in the Cloud Keeps Growing
February 6, 2016Grazed from ChannelInsider. Author: Gina Roos.
Moving to cloud-based services doesn’t mean increased security risks and threats if the right policies are in place, concludes a new survey from Cloud Security Alliance (CSA), sponsored by Skyhigh Networks. "The Cloud Balancing Act for IT" survey report indicates that IT and security professionals across the globe are growing more confident in their cloud security measures and are moving more systems of record to the cloud.
This translates into a change in the role of IT and its relationship with line of businesses, said CSA. Chief information security officers (CISOs) play an important role in security, added CSA, with 60.8 percent of the companies surveyed having a CISO in place…
The survey of more than 200 IT and security professionals also reveals that they receive, on average, about 10.6 requests monthly for new cloud services, which has driven the majority of them to put a formal process in place for users to request new cloud services. The survey reveals some of the trends changing the role of IT as more businesses move to the cloud and what organizations are doing to minimize security risks.