Cloudyn Ends Need for Rampant Over-Provisioning in the Cloud

February 6, 2012 Off By David
Object Storage
Grazed from BusinessWire.  Author: PR Announcement.

Cloudyn today announced the general availability of the next generation in cloud cost management solutions, a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solution for dynamically optimizing the costs of cloud computing resources. Cloudyn’s technology provides cost visibility, control and optimization for cloud customers. Cloudyn doesn’t just provide customers with insight into cloud usage and spending, it provides personalized next steps. Cloudyn’s recommendations engine provides maximum savings without impacting operational efficiency or using intrusive software that takes control away from the customer.

"Many organizations that deploy applications on public clouds have been surprised with unexpectedly high bills. Unfortunately, cost calculators, monitoring tools and rigid spending controls fall short when it comes to balancing spending and performance," said Paul Burns, President of Neovise, an analyst firm focused on cloud computing. "Cloudyn moves beyond those approaches by providing intelligent and actionable recommendations for rightsizing cloud resources. By providing feedback on an ongoing basis, Cloudyn lets users optimize spending while maintaining performance, even as the environment changes."…

Cloudyn provides IT managers and CIOs with personalized, ongoing analytics to identify unnecessary spending, unused resources and over-provisioned services; ongoing notifications for proactive control of their cloud expenses; and comprehensive prescriptive actions for continuously optimizing frequently changing pricing plans and deployment configuration, such as downscaling, resource reallocation and switching to cost-effective pricing plans.

While in beta release, Cloudyn actively managed more than 50,000 virtual servers daily, delivering an average of 40% cloud-related cost savings per customer, and has facilitated more than $1M USD in aggregated savings.

"Activated in minutes, Cloudyn’s intelligent recommendations ultimately saved us 40% of our cloud costs," said Sasha Gilinson, CEO of Evolven. "Cloudyn increased our confidence in the cloud, enabling us to proactively and dynamically optimize our cloud resources. With Cloudyn we get new insight into our capacity and we spend our money based on our actual usage."

Cloudyn’s full product offering will be provided free of charge to early adopters until May 1, 2012. After May 1, Cloudyn will charge a basic monthly fee for cost-saving recommendations, based on the customer’s overall monthly cloud expenditures, while visibility and control will remain free of charge to all.

"You cannot change what you cannot see and therefore visibility is the first step required to optimize spending in the cloud. Nevertheless, the dynamic nature of cloud costs, environments, and application life cycles makes it very difficult for customers to actually do something about it without spending significant resources and entering a management nightmare at large scales," said Sharon Wagner, CEO of Cloudyn. "Recent developments by cloud providers and feedback from our customers indicate that cost visibility is becoming a commodity, and thus Cloudyn will focus on broadening its cost efficiency solutions."

Cloudyn’s automated SaaS solution neither reconfigures nor redeploys cloud resources, requiring no software installation and only minimal access privileges. Cloudyn provides customers with personalized and customized recommendations for their current and future cloud investments through proprietary algorithms and event-driven engines. Cloudyn currently supports Amazon Web Services (AWS) compute and database services and is developing integration with other popular cloud environments. Utilizing a cloud-agnostic API for multi-cloud support, Cloudyn will be able to grow with the changing market preferences.

To get access to Cloudyn’s solution and start optimizing your cloud environment, visit .