Clouds Of Computing: Private And Public

April 23, 2012 Off By David
Grazed from HostReview.  Author: Christa Joe.

Organizations of the new world focus mainly on centralized resource utilizations, so that a minimum investment in the resources can facilitate the company in the long run and it can get 100% out of the resources. To actually implement this idea in practice, the technology called, Cloud Computing, was introduced, which matches all the basic recommendations of optimum resource utilization…

Companies started following the cloud trend as it was:

  • highly flexible,
  • based on pay-per-usage
  • scalable

The selection of the cloud is purely based on the decision made by the authority of the organization, which is further based on certain parameters like

  • Product of the company
  • Sensitivity of the data
  • Location of resources, etc.

Cloud computing companies like Amazon, Google and Apple have to use public cloud due to the reason that their products are more general user-oriented. A user would not want to use Google docs, inside a particular region only. Rather user demands to have the access to cloud, anytime, anywhere.

On the contrary, an organization cannot put its official data onto a public cloud, as it will disclose the private data of organization and will hamper the privacy of company.

In situations where external access to internal data is required, like a scene where client’s requirement is to analyze the progress of the project or e-mail access to the internal web-server by the employees, Hybrid cloud is deployed. In such scenarios, an authorization key is provided, to authenticate the access and maintain the privacy of the data.

Advancement in the virtualization and distributive methods, allow organization to maintain separate data centers under the jurisdiction of another organization, which effectively meets the customer’s requirements over cloud and gives the data centralization to have anytime, anywhere access in a more secure manner.

Services offered in both the cloud types are of three types:

  • Software as A Service or SaAS, where end user access remote product like e-commerce web-site over internet, which uses a public cloud. Outsourced data centers or e-mail services are availed in the private cloud, so as to maintain the privacy and data integrity.
  • Platform as A Service, PaAS, developers in the private cloud are given the legacy to attach themselves with the sophisticated hardware over network to find out the functionality of newly developed program, while public cloud allows free-lancers to use any programming language, any database or any operating system according to their requirement from any location.
  • Infrastructure as a Service, IaAS, used mostly in public cloud for data storage need of the users, provided through an application like iCloud, an online data back-up service, for remote storage purposes while companies use IaAS for internal working of different module of corporate system.

Cloud, as a facility, is not only for the big giants of the industry, but for the general purpose users. An effective Cloud strategy provides better and economical services for their digital requirements and necessities.