CloudReplica Extends Its Cloud Leadership With Virtual-Move for Customers Requiring Data Protection and Access During Relocation

June 7, 2012 Off By David
Object Storage
Grazed from CloudReplica.  Author: PR Announcement

CloudReplica, the leading provider of Business Continuity as-a-Service, announced a new service that protects or runs a customer’s server during an office relocation. Many customers are left to worry about how to protect their data if an accident occurs. Even if there isn’t an accident, customers may encounter a challenge at the destination like inadequate power, no network access, or structural challenges that prevents reinstallation of servers.

In an article for magazine, relocation expert Luigi Salvaneschi suggests "…an entrepreneur must figure in the cost of business interruption. Almost inevitably, a business’s productivity will be reduced for a period of days or even weeks after a move."

"Our business has always been about shattering those types of common beliefs and questioning the status quo," says Rich Bruklis, Vice President of Marketing at CloudReplica. "This is the 21st Century. Your data and servers should be available no matter what is going on — disaster, failure, or relocation. Our new Virtual-Move service does exactly that — allows you to run your applications even when your servers are riding down the highway in the back of a moving truck."

Traditionally, companies create their own protection scheme in preparation for relocation with disk or tape backup. While backup does some level of protection, today’s servers have a large amount of integration consisting of operating systems, operating systems patches, drivers, applications, application patches, and of course, data. Servers that are several years old and properly maintained have had dozens or hundreds of patches applied. If a server has a major issue, many companies would be left wondering what to do because backup does not help when there are days of server recreation work to be done.

"Imagine you are holding an external hard drive in your hands while looking at a damaged server that isn’t powering up. What do you do? Fix the server and perform about a dozen critical integration steps before trying to restore data," added Rich. "So many of our customers have had multiple IT people working on those servers over the years, most would have no idea how to bring the server back. Virtual-Move solves that problem by cloning the entire server and capturing all of the integration work done on the server over the years."

Customers will have the choice of two Virtual-Move services. Virtual-Move, Standard Edition will make an exact copy of a customer’s server prior to relocation. Standard Edition captures all the data, applications, and integration work to serve as data insurance for the relocation. In the event of a server mishap, a new or the repaired server can be re-imaged to function like the original server.

Virtual-Move Advanced Edition extends the functionality of Standard Edition by enabling server access during the relocation. Customers can run their applications and access data while the relocation is occurring. For example, if the office staff wanted to send email during the move, they would select Virtual-Move Standard Edition to protect their Exchange email servers and Virtual-Move Advanced Edition to run Exchange.

Kevin Crofoot, Vice President of Sales at KCS Office Moving, a leading corporate relocation company adds, "Relocation companies have always offered insurance on hardware damage but we have never had an easy, secure option for data until now. Virtual-Move complements the hardware insurance because in reality, the data is more important than the hardware. Hardware can be replaced. Data cannot. This type of offering is invaluable to our relocation customers."

CloudReplica’s Virtual-Move service will be sold by KCS Office Moving and their partners throughout the US. Virtual-Move, Standard Edition is priced at $150 per server and is available immediately. Virtual-Move, Advanced Edition is a $200 add-on service to Standard Edition. Customers can select a mix of Standard and Advanced Editions on their servers.