Cloud telephony creating level playing field

September 30, 2013 Off By David

Grazed from CIOL. Author: Sundeep Misra.

Technology has always been a force behind creating level playing field for small to medium enterprises. This has been more evident in the last few years as the cloud computing software products evolved. Cloud telephony solutions virtual communication is not different.

The virtual communication solutions like Virtual Receptionist, Virtual Call Tracking, Virtual PBX are creating a level playing field for SMEs and reducing the telephony advantage the larger corporations have had so far. Larger corporations have been at the forefront of combining telephony with software solutions to deploy powerful solutions that will enable them to improve profitability, ROI, service etc…

These solutions allowed businesses to develop telephony solutions that were available 24×7 without human intervention, some examples of such systems would be self service telephony solutions, help-lines, lead distribution, integration of telephony to applications etc…

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