Cloud storage viewed as a commodity, price war ignites
July 2, 2014Grazed from TechTimes. Author: Robert Lawson.
Cloud storage is now viewed as a commodity and the result is a bidding war between the major consumer and enterprise solutions offered by tech companies such as Google Drive, IBM SoftLayer, Dropbox, Box, Apple iCloud and Amazon Cloud Drive and Web Services (AWS/S3).
The mantra of the day is, "it’s in the cloud," a phrase that, several short years ago, would have held a completely different meaning to consumers. But because of the exponential shift in the worldwide information economy, the "consumerization of IT" has taken hold and placed a premium on value in terms of flexibility, scalability, reliability, cost and mobility…
Although many in the tech community have been familiar with this coined term, or at least the computing concept that lay beneath the terminology, the general consumer caught on to the concept rather quickly and adopted the technology forthright. This has led to a major shift in computing habits and especially the need for storage. It has also led to cloud commoditization…
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