Cloud sovereignty? No problem!

September 17, 2012 Off By David

Grazed from ITWire. Author: Stephen Withers.

While making it clear that "We’re not trying to promote the idea that everything goes in the cloud," Rocky Heckman, technical evangelist at Microsoft, pointed out that most CIOs have to accommodate workloads that are inherently short term (eg, processing associated with Federal elections), fast growing (eg, at startup companies), or subject to predictable or unpredictable bursting.

Those workloads, he said, are suited to cloud deployment. The problem – from some organisations’ perspective – is that all of Microsoft’s Azure infrastructure is located outside Australia…

But Mr Heckman pointed out that there is no law prohibiting the offshore storage of Australian data. For example, it is permissible under the Privacy Act as long as the provider complies with Australian regulations. (Microsoft’s data centres are run more securely than all Australian data centres bar one, he claimed.)…

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