Cloud SLAs: What Everyone Should Know
May 19, 2016Grazed from DarkReading. Author: Jamie Tischart.
13 questions to ask your service providers to better understand their service offerings and your risks. When you sign up with a cloud provider for computing, storage, or application functionality, you should get a service level agreement that describes what the provider promises to deliver. An SLA should be fully transparent to customers and published on the provider’s website for prospective customers to review.
Unfortunately, SLAs are often difficult to find and can be even more difficult to decipher. SLAs are not really there to protect you, the customer. While they may provide some customer protection as a byproduct, they are really a marketing tool and a method to limit service provider responsibility in the event of an outage…
This should not be viewed as negative. Every cloud provider I have worked for, talked to, and evaluated wants to provide their customers with 100% uptime and great service. But the complexity of software, infrastructure, humans, and reliance on third-party technologies and infrastructures makes 100% attainment near impossible…
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