Cloud, Mobile to Drive Growth for Microsoft

September 24, 2013 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from TheEpochTimes. Author: Catherine Yang.

Microsoft Corp. has been criticized for being late to the game on many fronts. As Microsoft tries to remain a relevant player in markets they historically have ignored, questions abound as to how the company planned to overcome its competitors. Executives answered, in their first financial analysts meeting in two years, with much optimism but without much detail.

“Google happens to say let’s not have any profit be in the device. Let’s move it all into search. We and Apple kind of have a different view of the world,” Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer said at the Sept. 19 meeting. “Amazon, I don’t know where they want to put market profit, they don’t seem to put the profit anywhere. And that’s not a shot, it’s just I can’t tell you what profit stream is important to them the way we can about us or Apple or Google.”…

Fighting in the Cloud

Enterprise software makes up 55 percent of Microsoft’s business, and fiscal year 2014 will continue to reflect its transition to focusing on cloud storage…

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