Cloud Migration Continues Despite Unexpected Challenges
July 2, 2014Grazed from Midsize Insider. Author: Sue Poremba.
Cloud computing solutions may be growing in use, but a new survey of 400 global IT professionals by Enterprise Management Associates finds that cloud migration is fraught with failures and unexpected challenges. As InformationWeek reports, the survey reveals that companies are turning to cloud computing in order to keep up with technology innovations. Charles Babcock puts it simply: "The enterprise now wants the advantages of cloud computing, and IT needs to deliver." By migrating to the cloud, companies of all sizes — especially small and midsize businesses (SMBs) — are able to stay more competitive.
At the same time, however, the report adds that cloud migration appears to be overwhelming IT departments, which is leading to unexpected challenges such as monitoring and correcting problems on the fly. By not being able to meet these challenges, IT departments are seeing computing failures. "Unfortunately, many IT organizations lack the skills they need to perform these tasks," InformationWeek quotes from the report. "In part, this is because clouds represent an entirely new platform — from their pricing models to their operational metrics — and thus require entirely new expertise."…
Adapting IT for the Cloud
According to the survey, IT departments are turning to third-party cloud vendors to at least begin the process of cloud migration. These partnerships have had their problems, however, as those surveyed revealed failed workloads with outside vendors…
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