Cloud Host Linode Adds Professional Services Support Option

September 5, 2014 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from TheVarGuy.  Author: Christopher Tozzi.

As SSD cloud hosting and storage provider Linodecontinues to redefine itself, its latest move is the introduction of a "Professional Services" option that adds full deployment and management off-loading to the company’s customer service offerings.

Professional Services is a fee-for-service support option designed to allow enterprises to hire Linode staff to perform work on their clouds. "Should a customer not have the time, expertise, inclination or staff-bandwidth to tackle essential sysAdmin duties, Linode can be enlisted to implement them," the company said…

Linode envisions those duties including site migrations and web-, database- and email-server installations, as well as control-panel deployments during a Linode build, it said in a statement. The services are available at the rate of $100 per hour for regular Linode customers, or $75 per hour for those subscribing to the Linode Managed plan…

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