Cloud Daddy Launches Modern Data Protection Update 1.3 for Secure Backup Solution on AWS Marketplace

November 21, 2018 Off By David

Cloud Daddy, creator of Cloud Daddy Secure Backup (CDSB), the world’s most secure and easy to use AWS-native data protection solution, today announced version 1.3 of its software platform. The update incorporates Amazon GuardDuty intelligent threat detection capabilities and real-time cost estimation of backup jobs, as well as advanced restore features for Instances, Volumes and AWS Databases.

Cloud Daddy will be exhibiting at Amazon’s re:Invent conference, Nov. 26-30 in Las Vegas, Nev. CDSB Version 1.3 has been launched on the AWS Marketplace prior to the conference.

"Using Amazon GuardDuty on the CDSB platform underscores our commitment to providing modern-era data protection," said Cloud Daddy CEO and Founder Joe Merces. "The ongoing barrage of cyber threats and ransomware attacks from malicious actors makes it essential for organizations to have intelligent threat detection as a security countermeasure to strengthen overall data protection."

Cloud Daddy plans to introduce its own patent-pending artificial intelligence engine in the next major CDSB version 2.0, to protect the backup organizations rely on in case of disaster.

Amazon GuardDuty continuously monitors for malicious or unauthorized behavior to help enterprises protect their AWS accounts and workloads. Cloud Daddy provides users with a GuardDuty dashboard, providing alerts of malicious IP address ranges and maps of those alert locations. The dashboard also lists all GuardDuty findings, with filtering capabilities.

In addition, CDSB 1.3 includes a new module with backup statistics that has been added to the backup dashboard. Jobs and schedules can be created immediately from the dashboard, with the capability of interacting with pie charts that display details related to protected and unprotected instances.

To give users a better idea of potential additional storage charges from AWS, CDSB 1.3 provides real-time cost estimation of backup jobs as they are being created, as well as a consolidated, total cost estimate for all existing backup jobs.

CDSB 1.3 also provides unparalleled control of instance, volume and AWS Database restoration options. Users have control over the actual instance and volume details including instance type and related configuration. Restoration preferences governing availability zones, VPC, subnet and security characteristics are now configurable options for any volume or instance restoration.

"Security threats are becoming more sophisticated over time and threaten to compromise the very backup meant to protect organizations when they need it most," said Cloud Daddy’s Merces. "Organizations need a holistic solution that also protects backup with security countermeasures, whether responding to natural disasters or a manmade cyberattack. Incorporating Amazon GuardDuty with CDSB on AWS strengthens overall data protection today and provides a bridge to the patent-pending artificial intelligence we plan to release in our next major 2.0 version update."