Cloud Computing: Zadara Turns Storage into a Service

June 2, 2014 Off By David

Grazed from ITBusinessEdge. Author: Michael Vizard.

Data storage used to be relatively simple, in the sense that it was generally all in one location. But with the advent of cloud computing, data is now stored both inside and out of the enterprise. Looking to help IT organizations get a better handle on all the storage, Zadara Storage has created a storage-as-a-service offering based on the open source OpenStack cloud management platform that makes it easier to manage storage systems deployed both on premise and in the cloud.

Noam Shender, vice president of business development for Zadara Storage, says the Virtual Private Storage Array (VPSA) can be deployed on premise, in a managed hosting environment and in the cloud. Regardless of where the VPSA is deployed, Shender says a unified console allows IT organizations to manage petabytes of flash and magnetic storage systems as a single service via RESTful application programming interfaces (APIs) that Zadara exposes…

Most recently, Zadara Storage added Microsoft Azure to its list of cloud computing environments where VPSAs can be deployed, alongside Amazon Web Services (AWS), CloudSigma, Dimension Data and others. Shender says that VPSAs can either be deployed inside a cloud computing environment or in an adjacent site that provides file and block-level storage resources, to be located as close as possible to the servers that are providing the compute engine enabled by that cloud…

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