Cloud Computing: Xerox aims to help enterprises curb remote printing costs with new tools, services

November 11, 2013 Off By David

Grazed from ITWorld. Author: Agam Shah.

Xerox is offering managed service tools for enterprises that want to reduce the costs of remote printing. Xerox has added features to its Mobile Print app and bundled more security and audit tools so the app can be easily incorporated within existing managed print services in enterprises, the company said Monday. From PCs or mobile devices, users will be able to print documents at remote locations, but the cost and volume of the printing will be monitored by managed-print service administrators.

The features and tools are part of Xerox’s "next-generation managed printing services strategy," said Mike Feldman, president of Large Enterprise Operations at Xerox. The strategy revolves around improving print security, reducing costs, and better utilizing printing and imaging devices in an infrastructure…

Enterprises will be able to track, report and manage documents printed at public locations such as UPS stores, Feldman said. It’s more expensive to print documents at public locations, but companies will be able to better assess costs and negotiate better contracts on such services, Feldman said…

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