Cloud computing vendors ‘should address security concerns’

November 2, 2010 Off By David
Object Storage
Grazed from Experian QAS.  Author: Neil Hill.

Cloud computing vendors looking to increase the number of companies using their services will be most successful if they can prove the security of the offerings.

According to Rob Ayoub, global programme director for information security research at Frost & Sullivan, many companies are currently holding back on a move to the cloud because of security and availability concerns.

He said that cloud computing providers should be in a position to provide reassurance to potential clients on these issues, reports Computerworld New Zealand.

"Given these concerns, hosting and other data centre operators today must have the ability to mitigate attacks without interrupting customer-facing services," Mr Ayoub stated.

Last month, Mark Stone, chief information officer at environmental services company Safety-Kleen Systems, explained that his organisation is looking to increase its usage of cloud computing over the course of the next few years.

It currently has around 15 per cent of its applications in the cloud, but wants to increase this to 35 per cent.