Cloud computing top priority for business executives in New Zealand

May 10, 2011 Off By David
Object Storage
Grazed from Experian QAS.  Author: Editorial Staff.

A report has shown that cloud computing is one of the top priorities for chief information officers in companies in Australia and New Zealand.

Gartner conducted research which showed that many companies were looking into ‘lightweight’ computing solutions such as cloud computing in a bid to cut costs in hard economic times, which have seen many companies increase budgets by as little as 1.7 per cent for 2011.

It has also been seen as a push towards change for many companies in Australia and New Zealand, which were not hit by the credit crunch and recession in the same way as businesses in Britain and the US.

John Roberts, vice president of Gartner, said: "There is a push for growth in 2011 which is leading to a change in emphasis. CIOs are looking to redefine the essential elements of IT from infrastructure, to cost structure, people and processes, reflecting their focus on getting closer to the business."

Cloud computing has been used by mainstream businesses in the UK for over a year.