Cloud Computing: The Looming IoT Backlash

June 10, 2014 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from NetworkComputing. Author: Andrew Froehlich.

At Cisco Live in San Francisco last month, I attended a panel discussion on the Internet of Things (IoT), where the participants talked of an impending tidal wave of Internet-connected devices and data that could overwhelm data centers and cloud infrastructure. But I don’t believe that IoT adoption — and ultimately cloud growth — is as absolute as many make it out to be. In fact, I feel that we’re actually in for a backlash against IoT, which could seriously impact the predictions and even stall cloud growth forecasts.

The panelists included startup entrepreneurs, venture capitalists and healthcare IT forward-thinkers, all who painted a picture a mind-blowing "everything-connected" world. In fact, most agreed that in the not-too-distant future, IoT devices will not only become more integrated into our daily lives, they will actually begin making decisions for us…

As I looked around to gauge reactions to these comments, I was happy to spot several other uncomfortable faces in the audience. If IoT concerns can be spotted at a major tech conference, you can bet that there will be a substantial backlash from the public as a whole, which will cause lofty IoT growth speculation to fall short. And since IoT is tailor-made for cloud computing, this part of IT also will fall well short of predictions…

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