Cloud Computing: The Internet Gains A Sixth Sense

May 30, 2016 Off By David

Grazed from Forbes. Author: Jon Markman.

At a conference called the Internet of Things World, held in Santa Clara, Calif. this month, many of the world’s leading tech firms will explain how sensors, analytics and cloud computing will change everything. Recently it has become convention to dismiss the Internet of Things. Pundits point to the troubles at Google’s Nest, the lack of open standards among the competing connected-home platforms and the absurd notion the masses are clamoring for connected toasters and wine bottles as proof the IOT is all sizzle and no steak. The pundits are wrong. They’re missing the paradigm shift the IOT represents because they’re too focused on the machines.

Behind the devices of the IOT is a whirlwind of new ideas and possibilities as ubiquitous sensors, real time analytics and powerful cloud computing intersect. It’s about collecting and leveraging vast amounts of data in real time, and it will touch every sector, every industry. That’s why leading analysts and technology firms have converged at the Santa Clara Convention Center…

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