Cloud Computing: The 2015 Rules of Data Center Migration

January 31, 2015 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from Baseline.  Author: Kent Weaver.

Organizations planning to make a bold digital splash in 2015 are also likely to need another upgrade: their data centers. As new technologies enter the marketplace, many enterprises are planning—and budgeting—for the next big thing.

However, data center migrations are, in many ways, both easier and more complex than ever. Technologies such as virtualization may eliminate the need for moving physical equipment, but the vast array of other options, such as hybrid and cloud solutions, make the process inherently more complex than it was before…

Virtualization alone now accounts for more than 50 percent of all server workloads, according to Gartner, and it’s expected to reach 86 percent by 2016. Data center infrastructure is now the second most significant IT investment, reports the "2015 SIM IT Trends Study." Cloud computing is now the fifth largest expense, up from the 17th largest investment in 2009…

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