Cloud Computing Survey: What IT Professionals Want

October 15, 2013 Off By David

Grazed from Midsize Insider. Author: Marissa Tejada.

Migrating to the cloud is an exciting transition, but IT professionals must be prepared. There is a lot to manage to ensure that the migration is a success. New research has examined what the top priorities are for midsize firms seeking cloud computing solutions, and it is not cost.

What Is Important

CWCS Managed Hosting commissioned a study featured in CloudTweaks that polled the opinions of senior IT managers at firms with more than 100 employees. More than half of the respondents thought reliability and uptime were the most important part of a hosting solution. Twenty-two percent felt security and flexibility were the most important, and scalability came in third at 15 percent. The cost of a hosting solution was least important, with only about eight percent of respondents considering it a top priority…

When it comes to choosing and working with a hosting provider, service took the top spot as the most important consideration. IT professionals value rapid response to issues or queries, the technical expertise of support staff and 24/7 support. Technological quality came in second, and security followed in third place as the most important considerations in the choice of a vendor…

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