Cloud Computing: Supreme Court Declines to Hear Appeal in Google-Oracle Copyright Fight

June 30, 2015 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from NYT. Author: Quentin Hardy.

Many in the tech community expressed dismay at a Supreme Court decision on Monday not to hear the appeal of a copyright decision against Google. But it could be years before lower courts provide clarity around an important component of big software systems, called Application Programming Interfaces.

Google had asked the Supreme Court to revisit a 2014 federal appeals court decision that A.P.I.s in the Java programming language owned by Oracle, used by Google to create the Android smartphone operating system, are entitled to copyright protection. In that ruling, the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth District reversed a 2012 decision by Federal District Court in San Francisco, which had concluded that the software in question was not subject to copyright…

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