Cloud Computing Storage: Big Data Drives the Cloud Storage Increases

November 18, 2011 Off By David
Grazed from FormTek.  Author: Dick Weisinger.

Enterprise IT strategies are under pressure to change, and increasingly the cloud is becoming an important component in revised strategies.  Analysts at IDC expect that Enterprise IT shops will increasingly implement private-cloud solutions.  And often the central component of these cloud solutions is storage.

Spending on private-cloud storage is expected to increase at a compound annual growth rate of 28.9 percent from 2010 to 2015. At that rate, private-cloud storage will triple by 2015.  That’s huge compared to the growth of on-premise storage which is growing currently at about 4 percent annually.  The report notes that while revenues for cloud services will see huge growth over the next four years, the amount of money that public and private cloud providers will be required to spend is equally huge.  Private and Public cloud providers are expected to be two of the biggest spenders on IT products over the next four years…

The IDC report, authored by Richard Villars, vice president of Storage and IT Executive Strategies at IDC, says that much of what is driving that growth of cloud-based storage are the demands of “big data“.

Villars said that “the emergence of the ‘cloud’ as an alternative for information services delivery will continue to be one of the most important developments in the evolution of the IT market. The storage industry has the potential to be one of the biggest beneficiaries of this trend, but suppliers must balance growing demands from cloud customers for low-cost hardware while boosting demand for advanced software solutions in areas such as object-based storage, automated data tiering, Big Data processing, and advanced archiving services.”

The IDC report cites five main reasons why enterprises are favoring cloud-based over on-premise storage solutions:
  • More efficient delivery of data/information to internet-based users of applications.
  • Lowers infrastructure investment costs
  • Evens-out the responsiveness of applications that have unpredictable workloads
  • Distributes the cost of long-term archival of information
  • Enables near-continuous, real-time analysis of Big Data generated by customers, partners and machines

Villars said that “Big Data developments will be perhaps the most critical new marketplace for storage solutions providers in the coming decade.  Providing a strong portfolio of complete Big Data solutions — hardware, software, and implementation services — will be a high priority to succeed.  Similarly, a strong portfolio of active archival storage solutions will be a critical differentiator for private content/archive cloud deployments.”