Cloud Computing: Smartphones will be smarter than you by 2017

November 24, 2013 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from Business Standard.  Author: Editorial Staff.

will soon be able to predict a consumer’s next move, their next purchase or interpret actions based on what it knows, according to information technology research and advisory company Inc. This insight will be performed based on an individual’s data gathered using cognisant computing, the next step in personal .

"Smartphones are becoming smarter, and will be smarter than you by 2017. If there is heavy traffic, it will wake you up early for a meeting with your boss, or simply send an apology if it is a meeting with your colleague. The smartphone will gather contextual information from its calendar, its sensors, the user’s location and personal data," Carolina Milanesi, research vice president at Gartner, said in a release…

"Mobile phones have turned into smartphones thanks to two things -technology and apps. Technology has added features such as cameras, locations and sensors, while apps have connected those to an array of functions that, for the most part, add and improve our day to day life from a social, knowledge, entertainment and productivity point of view," she said…

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