Cloud computing ‘removes technology headaches for businesses’

October 10, 2011 Off By David
Grazed from HostWay.  Author: Judy Gifford.

The use of hosted cloud services can remove a number of technology headaches for businesses, as well as improving the productivity of employees, one expert has suggested.

According to Phil Wainewright, UK vice chairman for non-profit organisation EuroCloud, utilising the increasingly popular technology could be significantly beneficial for organisations of all sizes…

The expert suggested that hosted cloud services could prevent the "technology headaches" that are often caused through the need for firms to take control of their own servers and software.

"Because the application is already up and running, the provider takes care of making sure that it keeps running and actually keeps upgrading it with extra functionality over time," he explained.

In addition, Mr Wainewright suggested that organisations could save money by handing over the control of their IT operations to an external hosting provider and gain access to the latest capabilities straight away.

He also suggested that firms could experience fewer security risks through the adoption of unified communications than they previously enjoyed as part of their in-house servers.

"It’s less likely for the servers to get burgled [with unified communications], they’re less exposed to people just being able to get access to them and download material," Mr Wainewright explained.

His comments emerge after Rhianna Collier, vice president for the software division at the Software and Information Industry Association, suggested that firms could save a substantial amount of money through selecting a managed hosting provider.

She claimed that costs preserved for equipment, 24/7 repairs and system updates, as well as alleviating the need for IT staff, could provide benefits for firms during the current economic climate.

Ms Collier went on to suggest that the adoption of hosted cloud services could assist in getting companies up and running quickly, as well as putting any security measures in place to ensure data is protected and disaster recovery plans are established.