Cloud Computing: Red Hat Makes Its Containerization Intentions Known

March 9, 2015 Off By David

Grazed from Talkin Cloud. Author: Christopher Tozzi.

Red Hat (RHT) has made its containerization intentions known by its launch of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 Atomic Host, an open source operating system tailored for running Docker and other container-based app platforms. Atomic Host, which Red Hat released March 5, is designed to streamline the process required to containerize any app that runs on modern versions of the company’s flagship Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) platform.

The new product is based, in part, on Project Atomic, an open source, community-based project for building hosting platforms for containerized apps that launched in 2014. There are important differences, however, between Atomic Host and Project Atomic, which is currently compatible with several Linux distributions related to RHEL — including CentOS and Fedora — in addition to RHEL itself…

According to Red Hat, Atomic Host provides an enterprise-class containerization environment that prioritizes security, integration with other platforms, compatibility certification and commercial support…

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