Cloud Computing Myths That SMBs Should Know
July 2, 2015Grazed from CloudTweaks. Author: Nishant Kadian.
Cloud Computing is the hottest issue among IT intellects of Small and Medium Businesses (SMBs). Like any other computer-orientated technology, Cloud Computing has some misconceptions and myths that often kick-start arguments among the two opposing groups: Cloud Supporters and Cloud Opponents. Both of these groups have their own ideology and reasons for their stand on this issue. Within those ideologies remain some serious myths that are miles apart from practical facts, but which have an effect on their overall business.
For SMBs aiming to grow, making smart decisions is crucial and that demands factual thinking. So, if you are in a dilemma over Cloud adoption, you must consider all perspectives before choosing to use Cloud technology or not.. To reach the correct conclusion, decision-makers for SMBs must stay away from these myths…
If you are in support of Cloud Computing, you are expected to be more technically-reliable, efficient, and productive than your counterparts. However, some ignorance and over-dependency on Cloud can harm you, brutally. Here is a quick list of myths that should not be part of your thought process:…
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