Cloud Computing: Most Cyber Attacks Occur From This Common Vulnerability

March 14, 2015 Off By David

Grazed from Business2Community.  Author: Tim Clark.

As you read this, hackers are working diligently to uncover avenues, inroads and byroads to get into your confidential corporate data. I know what you’re thinking. You’ve heard this all before, your company isn’t vulnerable and you already took care of it. Are you sure?

Time for a reality check. Even if you figured out how to plug holes in your networks, the hackers may be gaining access through applications and solutions. Sure, many organizations have significant network security in place but it’s not enough as 84% of all cyber-attacks are happening on the application layer…

This final security frontier, the application layer, was a hot topic during a recent SAP Radio broadcast where three security experts weighed in on the threat of cyber-attacks and offered ideas on how to prevent them…

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