Cloud Computing: Is there a DevOps skills gap?

January 19, 2016 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from CloudTech. Author: Jason DuMars.

I have been seeing job ads more and more frequently that heavily emphasise the requirement for ‘current skill sets’. The fact that these ads are putting such emphasis on the importance of skill sets being current signals to me a trend within the DevOps landscape: the ever-widening gulf between technological innovation and those who have exposure to it.

There are two core reasons why this problem exists and is growing. Firstly, maintaining employees with ‘cutting edge’ skill sets for cloud-based development requires either the IT budget of a large corporation or a team small enough to maintain an environment of rapid prototyping and experimentation. Needless to say, these extremes limit the number of candidates with the required abilities…

Secondly, if tech workers spend time out of work for whatever reason, their skills rapidly become out of date. A period of time without work is punishing for anyone searching for a new job, but this has a particularly detrimental effect on technical people working in areas such as DevOps with formal skills requirements that are changing all the time…

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