Cloud Computing: Is OpenStack ready for prime time?

September 14, 2015 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from NetworkWorld. Author: John S. Webster.

If you listen to the hype surrounding OpenStack, it’s nothing less than a panacea offering fast, relatively easy, cost-efficient tools for deploying enterprise apps as cloud services. Some analysts are far less bullish, arguing that building a private cloud with OpenStack is a daunting task. We interviewed OpenStack trailblazers from large enterprises like Walmart, Time Warner Cable, and PayPal.

They say OpenStack is ready for prime time deployment in the enterprise – as long as you understand the potential pitfalls and impediments. You need to have the right staff. You need to start small. And you need to be ready to handle potential issues in the areas of upgrades, scalability and ease of use…

“Building a private cloud is a very hard thing”

"I think it’s a hard case to make that OpenStack has flaws that are inhibiting enterprise adoption given there are thousands of private cloud deployments. Yes, many of those are messy. Yes, there are challenges, but building a private cloud is a very hard thing,’’ says Randy Bias, vice president, technology at EMC and an OpenStack Foundation director…

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