Cloud computing important for next-generation video games

January 19, 2012 Off By David
Grazed from CenterBeam.  Author:  Editorial Staff.

For people interested in what the future of next-generation video games may hold, Square Enix worldwide technology director Julien Merceron said he believes cloud computing will be a big factor and play an "instrumental role" in newer consoles.

"I think it has tremendous benefits," he told "I don’t see any good reason not to investigate for platform holders how they could actually think about cloud storage and cloud computing for their next platforms."

He said when it comes down to future platforms, the cloud will be extremely important, as the back end of each system will become more powerful…

Video game developers and executives all seem to believe that the cloud will be the next big step in the world of gaming.

"We intend to create an online digital ecosystem with the consumer that keeps them interested for almost a year, perhaps even longer," THQ executive Brian Farrell said of a cloud computing video game system. "And we expect most of our large console games going forward will extend the base experience with DLC packs. Things like online in-game storage, and consumables and other online items that will go on for at least a year post-release."