Cloud Computing: Huawei Launches a Kubernetes-based Container Engine

August 30, 2016 Off By David

Grazed from TheNewStack.IO. Author: Joab Jackson.

Joining an increasing number of companies, Asian telecommunications giant Huawei Technologies has released its own container orchestration engine, the Cloud Container Engine (CCE). Ying Xiong, Huawei’s chief architect of cloud computing, announced CCE version 1.0 at LinuxCon North America, being held this week in Toronto.

Like orchestration engines from CoreOS and Apprenda, CCE will be based on Google open-source Kubernetes platform . During his talk, Xiong discussed the growing use of containers in China. In 2016, Huawei found that 14 percent of companies were using containers in production, and another 23 percent were using them for test and development. About 44 percent had plans to adopt container technologies within the next six months…

While 14 percent is still fairly low, it is growing rapidly. It is up 250 percent in the past year. “To me, that means the tools are maturing,” Xiong said. Of those using containers in production, about 42 percent were using a formal orchestration tool, such as Kubernetes, compared to 51 percent who were using scripts and other homebuilt tools…

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