Cloud Computing: How to Turn Hillary Clinton’s “Shadow IT” Habits into Opportunity

March 21, 2015 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from MotleyFool.  Author: Anders Bylund.

Hillary Clinton has certainly been newsworthy recently. Stretching from the late 1990s and all the way through her stints as U.S. Senator and Secretary of State, ending in 2013, Clinton shunned government-run email services in favor of a system running in the home she shared with former president Bill Clinton. Critics argue this practice violated government policies, not to mention allowing her (and Bill) to avoid public disclosure of her service-related communications.

The official policy that ties federal officials to government-run email systems wasn’t the law of the land until 2014, nearly two years after Clinton stepped out of the political life again. Nevertheless, she’s still in the national spotlight over this old-yet-fresh scandal…

But there’s also a big upside to Clinton’s home-brew email solution getting national attention. Hillary Clinton has quickly become the public face of so-called "shadow IT" practices, which already affects almost every organization — from small and medium businesses to enterprise-class giants, and onward to the government behemoth. It’s high time investors and business managers take a closer look at this trend, so let’s thank her for opening the debate…

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