Cloud Computing: How to master disruptive technologies

September 24, 2013 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from ComputerWorld. Author: Julia King.

Social, mobile and analytics technologies are disrupting business as usual at companies in all industries. In 2014, the disruption will continue, morphing into a new kind of business as usual with enterprises expanding their reliance on the cloud, mobile technologies, social media and, increasingly, predictive analytics. The goals: reducing costs, creating new revenue streams, boosting customer satisfaction and beefing up brand awareness, to name a few.

In the next three to five years, the five technologies most likely to upset the status quo are social networking, the cloud and software as a service (SaaS), self-service IT, predictive analytics and mobile payments, according to Computerworld’s Forecast 2014 survey of 221 IT executives…

At Washington-based Special Olympics, that disruption is already well underway and yielding significant benefits, according to Noah Broadwater, head of digital products and technology. "We have no real data center, and most things are cloud-enabled. We’re already entirely on Office 365," Microsoft’s SaaS-based suite of tools, says Broadwater…

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