Cloud Computing: How Amazon is disrupting a $34bn database market

August 11, 2016 Off By David

Grazed from CloudTech. Author: Editorial Staff.

When Amazon launched Aurora in 2014, it was presented as a clear challenge to giants in the $34 billion database market. Today it is Amazon’s fastest-growing product and has already surpassed the growth of Amazon Redshift, which is saying something. Customers of the service are among Amazon’s largest and loudest advocates.

Since the start of 2016, roughly 7,000 databases have been migrated to AWS Aurora — and the rate of adoption has tripled since March 2016. Why is Aurora gaining popularity? As we have come to expect from Amazon, Aurora provides enterprises with the performance and reliability of a commercial product at a fraction of the cost of Oracle or IBM…

Amazon has also made consistent efforts to reduce the effort of database migration with services like AWS Database Migration Service…

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