Cloud Computing Gains Ground as Global Service–But Is it the ‘4th Utility?’

February 6, 2013 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from Midsize Insider. Author: Doug Bonderud.

A recent TechNavio study predicts a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) for global cloud computing of 6.2 percent between 2012 and 2016, informed in large part by the decreasing costs of cloud ownership, but tempered by potential security and legal concerns surrounding data use. Some experts believe the cloud represents not just a global IT improvement but argue this growth signals the rise of a "4th utility," one that will stand alongside other utilities like roadways, water, and electricity.

Overall Market Growth

According to a press release at PR Newswire, the TechNavio report includes an in-depth market analysis from market experts and growth predictions for global cloud computing as well as the market’s key vendors, which include Amazon, Google, IBM, and Microsoft. The report cites a reduced total cost of ownership as a well emerging hybrid approaches for the growth prediction. Simply put, the cloud market is now broad and deep enough that its technology is a business necessity…

A recent Sys-Con Media blog post discusses a 2013 "wishlist" for the cloud, which hopes for not only increasing global use, but a recognition by the market that cloud is the "4th utility." This utility would reach not just cross-country but cross-border, require the development of fiber optic infrastructure and high speed wireless access, and come with a host of questions about regulation, implementation, and trust…

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