Cloud Computing: DOD Unveils Bold Road Map to Modify IT and Cybersecurity Approaches

August 19, 2016 Off By David

Grazed from AFCEA. Author: Sandra Jontz.

New document lays out plans for department-wide operating system, use of CACs, data center consolidation and migration to cloud services. The U.S. Defense Department unveiled Thursday a bold information technology and cybersecurity road map that modifies its approach on several efforts in the rapidly changing environments.

The guide positions the department’s IT infrastructure and processes for a broad impact, in addition to hopes of greater security and scrutiny, said its chief information officer, Terry Halvorsen. Outlined in the nine-page paper are a number of DOD efforts, from its crawl to a department-wide operating system to its plans to ditch use of the common access card, migrate to a cloud environment and consolidate and virtualize its data centers…

But the common elements within the document likely will change many times in the coming years, Halvorsen cautioned. “This is absolutely a living document. The exact vision in this document, if it’s still the same in a year, then we screwed up,” he said during a news media roundtable unveiling the plan, titled “DOD Information Technology Environment—Way Forward to Tomorrow’s Strategic Landscape.”…

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