Cloud Computing: Docker, Part 2 – Whoa! Spontaneous industry standard! How did they do THAT?

December 1, 2014 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from TheRegister. Author: Trevor Pott.

Sysadmin Blog Docker is slowly taking over the world. From its humble origins, which we explored on Friday, as an internal project at dotCloud, through to Microsoft’s recent announcement that it will support Docker natively in Windows, Docker looks set to become a major component of modern IT infrastructure.

Today, Docker is powered by Libcontainer, rather than the more widespread LXC. The switch has some very real implications for the future of Docker, for its potential adoption and for its interaction with the community. Libcontainer matters for the same reason that Android matters: control. Consider for a moment that while there are eleventy squillion distributions of Linux out there, almost nobody says "Android Linux."…

They’ll say "Red Hat Linux", "Ubuntu Linux" or "SuSE Linux", but they won’t say "Android Linux." Derivatives of Android – such as Amazon’s "Fire" clone – are referred to not as new distributions of "Linux", but as "Android variants". Compare this to Mint: a derivative of Ubuntu which is a derivative of Debian, but all are commonly simply called "Linux"…

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