Cloud Computing: Dimension Data Speeds App Performance with WAN Optimization

February 13, 2013 Off By David

Grazed from TalkinCloud. Author: Chris Talbot.

Dimension Data has implemented WAN optimization technology across its entire global cloud data center to speed up application performance for its customers. According to the ICT solutions and services provider, the deployment of WAN optimization controller appliances across its Managed Cloud Platform cloud data centers, the company has "significantly" increased application performance across its entire cloud around the world. Customers use Dimension Data’s cloud for database replication, file synchronization, and backup and disaster recovery between data centers, and the company noted improved performance across the cloud.

The appliances were rolled out in the cloud data centers in San Jose, California and Ashburn, Virginia in the U.S.; Amsterstam in The Netherlands; Sydney, Australia; and Johannesburg, South Africa. To keep things secure, Dimension Data set up the system to encrypt data over a VPN tunnel and optimized for delivery using deduplication and application-specific protocol optimization…

"With the addition of WAN optimization capabilities, we are helping our clients overcome the latency and bandwidth constraints often associated with public cloud services,” said Steve Nola, CEO of Dimension Data’s Cloud Solutions Business Unit, in a prepared statement…

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