Cloud Computing: Cox Considers Buying Business Services to Step Up AT&T Challenge

November 29, 2012 Off By David

Grazed from Bloomberg. Author: Alex Sherman.

Cox Communications Inc. is considering acquisitions of business-services companies with annual revenue of about $200 million and could announce a deal in the next six months. The third-largest U.S. cable company is targeting telecommunications-services and cloud-computing companies as it seeks to increase its potential revenue base by 10 percent in 2013, Phil Meeks, senior vice president of Cox Business, said in an interview.

Atlanta-based Cox is also looking at partnerships and acquisitions of smaller companies, he said. U.S. cable companies are counting on faster-growing business services to buoy growth as residential video customers decrease…

While closely held Cox doesn’t release figures, the company has taken market share from AT&T Inc. (T), Verizon Communications Inc. (VZ) and CenturyLink Inc. (CTL), its three largest competitors, providing small businesses with Internet, TV and phone services, Meeks said…

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