Cloud Computing: Couchbase moves into the microservices era with multi-dimensional scaling

March 23, 2015 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from Silicon Angle. Author: Maria Deutscher.

Couchbase Inc. is breaking up its namesake document store and turning the individual components into discrete services that will deploy separately to make the whole more efficient. The overhaul represents a historic departure from the conventional way of building databases.

Like practically every other enterprise application, the software that organizations use to manage their information has traditionally come in tightly-integrated bundles. The way that information is stored changed over the years, as has the data itself in many cases, but not the packaging. That is, until now…

Couchbase Server 4.0 is a symbol of the broader industry shift toward modularity that originated from the early success of web giants such as Google and Netflix Inc. in decomposing their complicated services for easier implementation. The paradigm is engulfing the entire industry…

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