Cloud Computing: Box beefs up security and search for enterprise storage

October 2, 2012 Off By David

Grazed from GigaOM. Author: Barb Darrow.

With more software vendors fielding their own cloud storage capabilities, Box continues to beef up enterprise security and perks for its offering. New features include two-step authentication, company-wide search for admins, and content scanning, the company said.

When it comes to cloud storage for the enterprise, security and manageability are key – for compliance reasons, IT departments need to know who is storing what. That’s the impetus behind new features Box is rolling out this week and will showcase next week at its Boxworks event…

In short, the company is adding two-step authentication, company-wide file search, and content-scanning to the mix. In doing this, Box is upping the ante at a time when other, bigger vendors like with Chatterbox and Microsoft with SkyDrive are adding their own cloud file-share and storage options. Box recently added new points-of-presence worldwide to speed up file uploads.

Cloud storage-and-share feature race

The company’s new native two-step authentication helps ensure that customers — on whatever device they’re using — are who they say are before gaining access to stored material…

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