Cloud Computing: ‘Blockchain’ – The Possibility Of Creating The Worlds Biggest Super Computer

December 29, 2016 Off By David
Object Storage

Grazed from MobileNapps. Author: Editorial Staff.

As typical as it is, our devices and gadgets stand idle for the most part of the day, the need for computing resources is rapidly growing. Big IoT systems, machine learning and deep complex algorithms are deployed in systems and domains which demand better cloud servers and better bandwidths to supply the specific needs of businesses and enterprises.

What is the most efficient way of utilising the potential computing power that is in idle mode? Blockchain is the possible solution. A distributed ledger that is currently gaining favour across several domains could be the solution in providing a system that enables participants to share and borrow resources on computing, and definitely, make money while at it…

The, a distributed cloud computing platform co-founder, Gilles Fedak stated that "There is a growing demand for computing power from industries and scientific communities to run large applications and process huge volumes of data."…

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