Cloud Computing And Social Media Wish List For 2012

January 3, 2012 Off By David
Grazed from Business Computing World.  Author: Kevin Tea.

Is that’s time of year for making seasonal wish lists, new year’s resolutions so I thought I’d chip in with a few of my own personal choices.

In the two or so years that I’ve been blogging about cloud computing I have seen a plethora of services that have been great, average or downright bloody awful. Wading through all of these I have got a rough idea of my perfect cloud and social media mix so here is my slightly tongue in cheek breakdown.

Wish List #1

Please, please, please will Box open up desktop syncing to non enterprise users. This is holding back what is a great service and could be truly phenomenal. Looking back through the Box forums it seems that us pond life users have been promised this for more than a year so quite why the delay I have no idea. I really don’t want to have to give up on Box but manual synchronisation is so last century…

Wish List #2

That the world and beyond realise that Klout is a worthless crock of crap without a single redeeming feature.The algorithms that help work out the score are kept secret without any peer review on their accuracy. There doesn’t seem to be any consistency or logic except if you Tweet more your score rises. Nothing about quality of content, just numbers. Don’t take my word for it, read this excellent expose by Rohn Jay Miller or read my summary of criticisms on Friday.

Wish List #3

That Facebook eventually, finally at last puts its privacy statement in plain, simple to understand English and keeps it consistent – well, at least for more than a week!

Wish List #4

That someone develops an office suite I can place on my servers so I don’t have to rely on Google, Zoho etc. (edited to add I think I can do this with TeamLabs and OpenOffice – watch this space).

Wish List #5

That Google intelligently continues to grow Google+ and that it doesn’t throw a wobbler and G+ ends up in the bin with Google Wave and Google Buzz.

Wish List #6

That Instagram ports itself to Android and remove the only thing I feel jealous about my iPhone owning friends. OK, I know it’s sad, but it looks a really great app and I want it – preferably now!

Wish List #7

That the UK Government turns away from the squabbling over Europe and realises that unless rural areas get ultra fast broadband organisations and small businesses will be condemned to commercial backwaters. Forget relying on BT (Bleedin’ Tossers) that is the most arrogant and inept organisation I know; talk to the innovative and hungry small boys.

Wish List #8

There is more sharing between apps and services. There are some great services out there that would be turbocharged if they could, for example, link to Google Apps, Calendar etc. The walled garden approach is not a good long term survival strategy.

Wish List #9

That more people discover that SugarSync is substantially more powerful, flexible and adaptable that Dropbox. In a recent High Five Lifehacker poll Dropbox got around 75% of the vote – a total travesty in my eyes.

Wish List #10

Please, please, please will Box open up desktop syncing to non enterprise users. This is holding back what is a great service and could be truly phenomenal. Looking back through the Box forums it seems that us pond life users have been promised this for more than a year so quite why the delay I have no idea. I really don’t want to have to give up on Box but manual synchronisation is so last century. Well, I know I started off with this but it is high on my list of priorities so I thought I’d top and tail the post with this plea!