Cloud Computing and Data Center Service Provider ViaWest Starts Healthcare Cloud

January 10, 2014 Off By David

Grazed from GreatResponder. Author: Maria Dehn.

This was announced by ViaWest, the cloud computing, data center and managed service provider company that it has started a new cloud based service targeting the healthcare industry. This announcement was made public on this Wednesday. According to the statement issued by the company the service will be based on Compliance as a Service CaaS model and it will be compliant with the latest standards such as HIPPA and HSS that are very important to regulate the targeted field of industry (healthcare).

It was further explained in the statement that the security is one of the important thing as far as the healthcare industry is concerned, and that importance even doubles when the healthcare industry data is to be maintained under business model of the cloud computing services. The ViaWest has taken the security and privacy matters very seriously and has implemented the dedicated solutions related security and Virtualization provided by Abonology Inc. This company offers the most robust security solutions based on the partitioned cloud environment to maximize the data protection…

In his statement, the Chief Technology Officer of ViaWest Jason Carolan said, "The healthcare environment has become much more complex ? and, in an effort to relieve the pressure for companies facing potential fines and compliance breaches, ViaWest can now immediately help companies to determine their organization’s risk, enforce further data privacy actions and establish security enforcement strategies that will help them meet their compliance goals"…

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