Cloud Computing: AI is set to revolutionize the way we manage content

August 28, 2017 Off By David

Grazed from NewsBytes. Author: Editorial Staff.

It has been an inverse relationship till now. The more the content, the harder it is to manage it. However, with artificial intelligence and machine learning, it is, perhaps, possible to tackle the content management problem head on. It is ironic, considering the fact that Content Management Systems were created to solve the enterprise content organization problem that we used to face earlier. Here’s more.

Why is the change needed?

With the massive increase in the volume of data, the management of it via traditional methods becomes cumbersome and often faulty. AI and machine learning tend to give their best performance when their algorithms are handling massive amounts of data. This is being touted as the possible solution. This method may, in fact, change the way we manage content from now on…

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