Cloud Computing: 2015 – The Year of the Cooperative App

February 13, 2015 Off By David

Grazed from Wired. Author: Mark Greene.

Over the last 20 years, software has slowly eaten the world. Marc Andreessen pointed out this trend in 2011 and noted that increasingly industries are going to be disrupted by software. Here we sit four years later with an “app” for everything. “There’s an app for that” is leading to the acceleration of fragmented software.

The Rise of the App

The rise of the app has meant a shift away from large and complex applications that typically were bundled into a platform or suite (think ERP) to a world of small, consumable, and easy to use apps with specialized functionality. The movement from monolithic applications to individual apps is providing more personalization opportunities…

In 2015, we will see continued momentum in the growth of the individual app. The IT consumerization trend that brought us BYOD (bring your own device) is extending to BYOA, or bring your own application. Similar to BYOD, BYOA gives employees the flexibility to use what they deem are the right tools for the job. The rise of the app has allowed line of business executives to purchase apps that fit their needs, solve their problems…

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