Cloud Computing 2.0 Company Offers Industry’s Largest Instance Sizes

April 3, 2013 Off By David

Grazed from BroadWayWorld. Author: Editorial Staff.

ProfitBricks, the infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) company that completely reengineered the delivery of cloud computing, now offers the industry’s largest virtual server instance sizes, enabling customers to run true High Performance Computing environments in the cloud for the first time. By offering variable instance sizes, which now tip the scales at 62 cores and 240GB of RAM, ProfitBricks continues to define Cloud Computing 2.0. ProfitBricks customers can now run massive computational processes at a lower cost while taking advantage of better speed and performance. It also enables users of databases and big data software to scale their virtual servers vertically rather than horizontally.

ProfitBricks can offer such large instance sizes due to the fact that its core infrastructure is built on InfiniBand technology, giving ProfitBricks infinite possibilities in how it provides virtual resources. "ProfitBricks offers up the largest instances sizes in terms of both CPU and RAM," said Kenny Li, vice president at Cloud Spectator, a cloud analyst firm. "While competitors like Amazon put up impressive looking numbers by focusing on concepts like ECUs, when it comes down to it they’re truly offering up 16 physical cores even in their Hadoop-focused instances. That’s certainly impressive, but it’s not nearly to the same degree as ProfitBricks."…

Vertical Scaling for High Performance Implementations

The new instances are perfect for companies that run large databases, multiple compute nodes in a cluster or are looking for compute power to help run big data implementations. By coupling ProfitBricks large instance size capability with the ability to build networks between servers and storage that runs at 80 Gb/s, customers experience High Performance Computing power in the public cloud for the first time…

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